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Penetration Testing Services

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If You Don't Test It, You Can't Trust It

TCDI’s penetration testing services discover internal and external security vulnerabilities through a simulated cyber attack. Performed by our highly skilled experts using sophisticated testing tools and technology, this test provides unparalleled insight into security vulnerabilities that could be exploited and result in a data breach.

Following the completion of the penetration test, a TCDI team will provide a written report that summarizes the exploitation attempts, the vulnerabilities identified, their threat level, and the proper remediation steps to be implemented. At TCDI, we are proud to empower our clients to optimize their security through expert strategic advice and innovative technology solutions.

Penetration testing helps answer the question, "how effective are my computers, network, people, and physical security at deterring a highly motivated and skilled hacker?"

During the test, security vulnerabilities are identified and attempts are made to compromise systems and gain unauthorized access to data. At the conclusion of the test, we will provide a written report summarizing your vulnerabilities, their threat level, and suggested remediation steps.

Our penetration testing services are highly customizable and can focus on one or several areas. The most popular options for pen testing are:

Our goal is to identify systems that exhibit known vulnerabilities, weak configurations, or out-of-date software, and to measure the impact of those vulnerabilities on the network as a whole.

We begin our network penetration testing with automated vulnerability scanning tools; these allow us to identify common weaknesses quickly.

With this in mind, our engineers endeavor to go beyond what automated tools can hope to discover. We routinely write custom attack programs and modify existing techniques to take advantage of security conditions that are unique to a given customer environment.

We apply logic and human understanding to the data that is collected. Our goal is not merely to issue a list of what known vulnerabilities are present on the network. TCDI goes the extra mile by offering insight into the degree of risk posed by a patient and skilled intruder.

We use commercial tools, open-source tools, custom tools, and, more importantly, manual testing to mitigate false-positives. We are firm believers that no single tool can find everything, so we use multiple techniques to be able to report on real vulnerabilities and exploits.

We are meticulous in our testing and take great care not to disturb the networks we assess. We will schedule network penetration testing at designated times so that we do not cause a service interruption to network users.

Once the scans are complete, our team will spend time reviewing the data as a whole. We pride ourselves on providing a holistic approach to security, and the data that our engineers collect will be in the form of discrete, separate units.

The review will allow us to comb through the combined scan results, looking for subtle relationships between hosts that might otherwise have been overlooked.

At the conclusion of the penetration test, we'll provide you with a detailed report summarizing the project as the deliverable.

The report contains several elements, including an executive summary, project methodology, systems tested, comprehensive summary of findings, risk overview, and recommendations. The result of the test is either confirmation that systems are effectively secured or the identification of vulnerabilities that require remediation efforts.

Penetration tests offer unparalleled insight into an organization's security effectiveness as well as a road map for enhancing security.

By hiring experts to simulate a cyberattack, vulnerabilities can be identified and corrected before they are exploited by a hacker or malicious insider.

Are your systems easy targets for bad actors? Let’s team up to give you the peace of mind that they're secure.

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