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Information Security Policies and Plans

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Worried about Data Security? We Have a Plan for That

Your business is only as secure as your data. If you don’t have a plan to keep your data and confidential information secure, is it really safe? How do you know if your plan is being implemented and followed? Well, we have a plan for all of that.

We learned early that privacy and security should be built into everything we do and that keeping our clients’ data safe is a wildly important corporate goal. What does that mean? It means that if we can’t keep your data safe, nothing else we do for you really matters.

And this philosophy has paid off. Trusted with more than 1.7 petabytes of data in our onsite Tier 3 datacenter, 500 leading corporations and law firms rely on TCDI’s services and solutions on a daily basis.

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You know that saying, “A goal without a plan is just a wish?” That’s the approach we take when it comes to IT security. There are a broad array of actions and responsibilities to consider that fall under the umbrella of policies, procedures, assessments, and general compliance. Some may consider these things the softer side of data security, but they are just as important.

Security policy development gives you a secure foundation by formalizing and implementing policies and procedures designed around cybersecurity best practices. Whether drafting policies from scratch or reviewing existing policies for gaps, the TCDI team takes a holistic approach to security policy development by applying its unique blend of technical, legal, and regulatory expertise.

There are several information security policies that are important to have in place, including:

  • Incident Response
  • Disaster Recovery / Business Continuity
  • Technology Acceptable Use
  • Remote Access
  • Backups
  • Data Encryption
  • Risk Management
  • Physical Security
  • Password Best Practices
  • Privacy
  • Change Control
  • Wireless Access

The success and value of your security policy lie in how well employees and others adhere to it. For example, if a policy requires laptops to use encryption, but only 50% of the laptops are actually encrypted, then there is a policy implementation and adherence problem.

That’s why our job is not done once policies are put into written form. We take it a few steps farther and work directly with you to develop a plan for effectively communicating your security policies, implementing any changes, and monitoring policy adherence. Our goal is to ensure information security policies are put into practice and seamlessly integrated into daily business activities.

Getting Started

The cybersecurity assessment provides a road map for improving data privacy. To request a quote or to learn more, please call our cybersecurity team at 1-877-840-4357.

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