Advanced Text & Chat Data Processing

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The smart way to review text and chat data from mobile devices, workplace collaboration tools and social media applications.

Today’s working environment has driven companies to rely on collaboration tools more than ever before. Communication Intelligence, our proprietary text and chat data processing tool alleviates the challenging, inefficient, and error-prone method of reviewing thousands (or even millions) of interspersed text conversations found in forensic report(s).

Communication Intelligence works with virtually any data source and is capable of processing content from any device type and chat application regardless of how it’s collected. Its powerful processing engine provides comprehensive across-device threading and deduplication, even in the face of inconsistent contact names and time stamps.

Communication Intelligence has been battle-tested on a large number of matters and has delivered consistent performance every time.

  • Easy to Read Format

    Increase review efficiency by formatting social media, text, and chat data in conversational format.

  • Eliminate Duplicates

    Reduce volume with deduplication of messages across devices.

  • Thread Messages Across Devices

    Help simplify review by capturing full conversations into one place.

  • View Deletions in Original Context

    Recovered deleted messages are displayed in their original location within the conversation.

  • Keep Related Content Together

    Maintain families with embedded images and video to present a complete picture.

  • Navigate Lengthy Conversations

    Configurable settings define the start and end of conversations.

  • Leverage Document IDs

    Assign unique identifiers to each conversation for ease of reference.

  • Review Platform Agnostic

    Results can be loaded to CVLynx/Relativity/RelativityOne (or other review platforms).

Apply Analytics to Help Resolve Questions

Answer key questions with the advanced data visualization, social network analysis, text analytics, and supervised machine learning features of popular eDiscovery tools.

See Conversations Clearly​

Leveraging an easy-to-read “chat bubble” format helps to naturally review conversations and empower investigations.

Emoji as Searchable Text

Bolster query, concept clustering and predictive coding results with text definitions of emojis.

Empower Productions of Conversations

Legal teams can tiff, redact, bates stamp, and brand individual chat bubble conversations or deliver them natively.

A Sample of Supported Applications

Plays Well with Others

We’ve designed all of our products to work well with other platforms common in the eDiscovery industry. The Communication Intelligence tool processes and prepares data and files that can be imported into all commonly used database-centric platforms, including our own. 

For more information or to request a demo, click here.

36 years and counting. We must be doing something right.

It’s a lot easier to say than to do: Assemble the right mix of tech geeks, data nerds, flexible lawyers, Lean Six Sigma ninjas, and creative solution architects. Choose only people who are obsessed with client service and committed to being the best team they can be. Build systems that ensure high quality by design. Then stand back and let that team deliver an unmatched client experience at cost-effective, predictable prices.

Sure, it takes a bit of doing, but it’s worth it. And once you get used to working this way, nothing else will really do.