In today’s fast-paced world, the lines between our professional and personal lives are increasingly blurred, thanks in no small part to the digital devices that have become near extensions of ourselves. Organizations, large and small, are more connected than ever before as these devices have become integrated in almost every aspect of daily business operations. From laptops and smartphones to cloud services and IoT devices, these tools are indispensable in the modern workplace.

While this integration has streamlined many aspects of business operations and communication, things become complicated if and when those devices or data need to be examined. This necessity may arise in a variety of scenarios, such as a business dispute, an internal investigation, or as part of a litigation matter, often involving the complex process of eDiscovery.

The Role of Digital Forensics

In these types of scenarios, where digital trails and evidence hold the key to important information, the field of digital forensics comes to the forefront. Digital forensics, a key component of the eDiscovery process, involves the recovery and investigation of electronically stored information (ESI) found on various devices. It’s a discipline that combines elements of law and computer science to collect and analyze data from computer systems, networks, collaboration tools, mobile devices, cloud platforms, and social media accounts in a way that is admissible as evidence in a court of law.

Choosing the best setting for your digital forensic collections is an important logistical consideration, as it can significantly influence both the timing and cost of an investigation.

In-Lab Preservation: A Time-Tested Approach

In the early days of the field, the technology and expertise required for digital investigations were largely confined to specialized labs. To this day, in-lab preservation continues to be a fundamental option for forensic preservation, especially in scenarios that require more in-depth analysis. Organizations often prefer this method for a number of reasons.

First, in-lab settings offer a controlled environment, which is crucial for maintaining the integrity and confidentiality of sensitive data. This aspect is particularly important in cases involving highly confidential information.

Second, these labs are equipped with advanced technology, which allows for a more comprehensive collection and analysis of ESI. This level of expertise and equipment are particularly important when dealing with complex preservation requests such as data recovery.

One downside to consider with in-lab preservation is the need to surrender the physical devices for examination. The primary concern is the temporary loss of access, which can be disruptive to business operations.

Onsite Collections: Bringing Expertise to Your Doorstep

In the event organizations cannot afford to lose access to their devices, or those with devices that cannot be transported easily, they now have the option to perform an onsite collection at their own location.

The primary advantage of onsite collections is the minimal disruption to business operations. Since the devices remain within the organization’s premises, the usual workflow sees less of an impact, and essential data remains accessible to the staff once preservation is complete.

While onsite digital forensic collections offer important benefits, there are considerations to keep in mind, notably the additional costs often associated with this method. Bringing forensic analysts to an organization’s location involves logistical expenses that go beyond what is typically incurred for in-lab settings. These costs can include travel expenses for the forensic team, as well as potential accommodation and daily allowances if the location is distant or if the investigation requires multiple days.

Furthermore, the onsite approach may demand more resources from the forensic team, particularly if the organization’s IT infrastructure is complex or if the investigation scope is extensive. This can lead to higher service charges, as the process often requires additional hours of work or more specialized tools.

Remote Collections: The Digital Age Solution

Remote collections represents a modern approach to data preservation, blending the convenience of onsite preservation with the cost-effectiveness of an in-lab investigation. This method involves performing collections over a network, which allows forensic analysts to access and preserve data without needing physical possession of the devices. 

Over the past few years, it has become increasingly favored in eDiscovery due to its ability to efficiently handle large volumes of data across geographically dispersed locations. This approach is particularly valuable in time-sensitive investigations. Furthermore, this method can be deployed rapidly and scaled easily, making it suitable for cases involving a large number of custodians.

While this method reduces physical handling of devices, it introduces the need for robust cybersecurity measures to protect the data during transmission. Ensuring secure and encrypted channels for data transfer is paramount to maintain the confidentiality and integrity of the information.

It’s important to note that remote collections also rely heavily on the quality of the organization’s or individual’s network infrastructure and the cooperation of the custodian. It requires a stable and secure network connection, as well as appropriate remote access permissions and capabilities. These details can be discussed further and guided by the forensics team prior to project initiation and collection.


There is a clear shift towards the adoption of remote digital forensic collections, driven by technological advancements that have broadened the scope for efficiently preserving data across a variety of devices. This evolution is reshaping the future of the industry, characterized by increasing flexibility, scalability, and a growing preference for digital connectivity.

This trend, however, underscores the importance of partnering with the right forensics team. By aligning with experts who integrate the latest technologies and methodologies into their workflow, organizations position themselves to effectively handle both current challenges and future developments in digital forensics and eDiscovery.