Managing litigation has always been a significant component of corporate legal practice, but its complexity has intensified over the years. In the past, in-house counsel typically relied on a mix of manual processes and rudimentary software solutions to juggle multiple cases. These methods were labor-intensive, prone to human error, and often resulted in the duplication of efforts across legal team members, creating bottlenecks in workflows.

Picture a setting where legal teams sifted through towering stacks of paper, painstakingly annotated legal documents, and coordinated via endless chains of emails and phone calls. Not only was this process cumbersome, but it also made it difficult to have a holistic understanding of various ongoing cases. Legal strategies could be compromised due to gaps in information, or even worse, because of untimely access to crucial data.

Moreover, as the business landscape grew more intricate—with cross-border transactions, diverse regulatory frameworks, and a spike in the types of litigation companies could face—the old ways of doing things became unsustainable. This left in-house counsel grappling with questions like:

  • How can we efficiently handle the increased volume and complexity of litigation?
  • Is there a way to centralize all case-related information for easier access and analysis?
  • Can we streamline communication within our team and with external partners?

Technology to the Rescue

Fortunately, technology has risen to the occasion, evolving in tandem with the escalating complexities of today’s litigation landscape. But it’s not merely the existence of technology that matters. It’s having the right technology solutions in place that can make all the difference. With appropriate tools, legal teams can address the recurring challenges of managing multiple and complex litigation matters, such as multi-district litigation (MDL) and class action lawsuits, with newfound efficiency and precision.

Finding the Right Technology Solution

Now, what those technology solutions may look like will vary based on a number of factors, including the number and type of matters your organization handles, the size of your legal team, and the specific challenges you need to address.

Most commonly, we encounter organizations using one or more of the following: Excel spreadsheets, in-house developed solutions, early case assessment software, eDiscovery tools, and dedicated litigation management systems. While each of these tools has its own merits, selecting a solution isn’t always straightforward. There are several considerations that need to be weighed before committing to one solution over the other.

Excel Spreadsheets

Surprisingly, despite the growing number of specialized tools available, many organizations continue to manage their litigation processes using Excel spreadsheets. At first glance, the reasons seem clear. Excel is widely accessible, user-friendly to those who possess basic spreadsheet skills, and offers a familiar interface that many professionals are comfortable with. Moreover, Excel’s flexibility allows for customization to meet the unique needs of each litigation matter.

Relying solely on Excel for litigation management, however, comes with its share of drawbacks. Scalability quickly becomes an issue as the volume and complexity of litigation matters grow, making it increasingly challenging to maintain accurate and up-to-date information. There’s also the risk of human error in data entry, which can have a domino effect on case outcomes. And let’s not forget the dreaded frozen screen. Nothing dampens productivity quicker than a computer struggling to handle multiple, data-heavy spreadsheets.

Excel is a tool that was not specifically designed for legal workflows, lacking features like real-time collaboration, permission-based access, and robust analytics that can streamline litigation management. Therefore, while Excel may serve as a stop-gap measure, it should not be considered a long-term solution for organizations aiming to manage complex litigation in a more organized and efficient manner.

Internally Based Systems

Recognizing these limitations, some organizations turn to internally developed systems for litigation management. These systems can range from databases built on Microsoft Access to entirely homegrown tools and shared file systems. Much like Excel, the allure of these solutions often lies in their customization. These tools can be tailored to meet the unique requirements and workflow of an organization’s legal team.

The benefits of customization, however, come with their own set of challenges. First, the initial development and ongoing maintenance of these tools require significant investments in both time and financial resources. Moreover, these systems can suffer from a lack of updates and may not evolve at the pace of the organization’s growing needs or changes in regulatory frameworks.

Another point of concern is the issue of data security. Homegrown systems may lack the sophisticated encryption and security protocols that specialized litigation management systems offer, making them a risky option for storing sensitive data.

These systems may also lack scalability and real-time collaboration in matters where you need to share documents and work product with external co-counsel users in real-time.  Oftentimes, counsel teams create their own internally development systems for litigation management.  This results in redundant data and duplication of efforts at each law firm location since the clients, lead counsel, and local counsel teams are not using the same platform.

Finally, it’s also worth noting that internal solutions frequently become heavily dependent on a few individuals who developed or maintain them. When these key individuals are not available, it can lead to operational hiccups or even complete standstills, making these solutions less sustainable than they might initially appear.

Early Case Assessment Software

While internally based systems offer customization, they may lack the advanced analytics provided by more specialized tools, such as early case assessment (ECA) software, which represents another step in the evolution of litigation management technology.

Designed to quickly evaluate the merits of cases and assess associated risks, these platforms can be invaluable for legal departments grappling with multiple litigation matters. By running initial evaluations, such tools can guide the decision-making process early on, determining whether a case should proceed to trial or settle.

Yet, while these platforms offer robust analytics and insights, they are not without their drawbacks. First and foremost, the quality of the analysis hinges on the quality of the data entered. Incomplete or inaccurate data can skew the analysis and lead to ill-advised legal strategies.

Secondly, most ECA tools tend to be specialized in nature and don’t offer comprehensive litigation management functionalities. This means that while they can be excellent for initial assessments, they often need to be supplemented with other tools for document management, communications, and ongoing case tracking.

eDiscovery Tools

As litigation often involves the extensive review of documents and data, eDiscovery platforms have emerged as specialized tools aimed at simplifying this aspect of the process. These systems are designed to manage the collection, processing, review, and storage of electronic evidence.

They are particularly useful in large-scale litigation cases that involve massive amounts of data, offering features like keyword searching, tagging, and sophisticated categorization. These functionalities can expedite the preparation phase of litigation by automating routine tasks, thereby saving time and reducing costs.

It’s important to consider, however, that eDiscovery tools, like early case assessment platforms, are generally specialized. This means they often require integration with other systems for complete litigation management, adding an extra layer of complexity to technology adoption and workflow.

Dedicated Litigation Management Systems

While eDiscovery tools excel at document and data management, they form just one part of the larger litigation puzzle. Legal departments are starting to turn to dedicated litigation management systems as a holistic solution to address the number of challenges often faced in modern litigation.

These systems are designed to be comprehensive, integrating functionalities found in specialized tools such as eDiscovery and early case assessment platforms. From initial case evaluation to document management and ongoing case tracking, these platforms aim to serve as the nerve center for a legal department’s litigation activities.

The advantages are many. First, the consolidation of various functionalities into a single platform eliminates the need for multiple, specialized tools. This not only streamlines workflows but also reduces the financial burden of licensing multiple pieces of software.

Secondly, a dedicated platform provides a centralized repository for all case-related data and documents, facilitating real-time collaboration among team members and even between in-house and external counsel. With everything in one place, gaps in information are less likely, thereby enhancing strategic planning and decision-making.

Even dedicated litigation management systems, however, are not without their challenges. Such comprehensive solutions can sometimes be overkill for smaller legal departments or for organizations that handle a low volume of simple litigation matters. The sheer range of features can be overwhelming and may require a significant time investment for effective utilization.

In addition, while these systems often offer more economical pricing models compared to purchasing multiple specialized tools, the initial setup and migration of existing case data can be both time-consuming and costly.

Technology Isn't Slowing Down Anytime Soon

With the dedicated litigation management system setting the current standard, it’s important to note that today’s best practices are tomorrow’s legacy systems. In the fast-paced world of litigation, static solutions are not just inadequate, they are a liability. The ideal litigation management platform should not only meet your organization’s current needs but also adapt and scale as those needs evolve.

The landscape of legal technology is in constant flux, influenced by advancements like generative AI and language learning models (LLMs). These next-generation technologies have the potential to bring unprecedented levels of automation and intelligence to litigation management. Imagine AI systems that can draft preliminary case assessments or LLMs that can quickly summarize complex legal documents, effectively becoming invaluable assets to legal teams.

Therefore, when choosing a litigation management solution, organizations should prioritize vendors that have a proven track record of evolving with the times. This means regularly updating their platforms with the latest technological advancements and providing robust customer support to help clients adapt to new features.

A successful partnership in this domain isn’t just about buying software. It’s about joining forces with a visionary who understands the future trajectory of legal technology and is prepared to guide your organization along that path. Be it embracing new AI capabilities for predictive analytics or implementing LLMs for document review, your chosen solution should be prepared to evolve alongside your organization’s growing and changing needs.

Nancy Johnson


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Nancy has a knack for color-coding and organization. Give her a rainbow collection of sticky-notes, highlighters, and space to outline a plan and she’s in paradise. So, it’s not surprising that she has an incessant need and talent of taking large amounts of data, information and client requirements and organizing them into a Litigation Management workflow with built-in processes. Learn more about Nancy.